Our Spirituality - Basilian Salvatorian Order of North America

Basilian Salvatorian Order
of North America
BSO of North America
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Our Spirituality
As a Melkite Catholic Order, we draw our spirituality from the traditions and Liturgy of the Eastern Church and from the writings of the Fathers of the Church, especially St. Basil the Great. And we are open to enrich our spiritual life with the treasures of the Western Church as well. "We breath with two lungs."

Moreover, moved by the desire for perfect love, we dedicate ourselves to the community life at the service of God and the Church, through the practice of the pastoral and apostolic work.

Our spirituality  consists in following Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, who gave the Apostles this command: "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19). In order to respond to this call, as Religious, full of pastoral zeal, we devote ourselves completely and selflessly to the service of the faithful in our monasteries, parishes, and centers. We care for human development in its moral, cultural, and social dimension, in accordance with the principles of the Gospel.

Our spirituality is also characterized by filial devotion to Our Lady of the Ever Virgin Mary. By having her as model and intercessor, we thrive to acquir the virtues of love, zeal, lack of attachment to earthly things and matters, a spirit of silence, prayer and sacrifice, hospitality and openness to others.

Office of the Regional Superior
216 8th Avenue. Brooolyn. NY 11215

Basilian Salvatorian Order of North America
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